When my parents came to Turkey, we visited all types of beautiful and historic sights, however the main reason was to meet Bülent’s parents.
Quick back-story: Bülent is Turkish (as you might have guessed.) We met in Cambridge (Massachusetts) my junior year of college, I was attending nun-school (All-Women’s college—I loved every minute of my feminism injection.) And he was getting his Masters from a school that he would prefer I not mention because he hates to name drop. (Hint: They hate Yale) We hit it off despite some minor issues.
Him--Why won’t you come to the bar with me?
Me--Well, hmmm, maybe later.
Him--When then?
Me--A few months sound good?
We have been dating for over four years, and got engaged this February. So we thought it was time that the parents should meet. We weren’t too worried as our parents are all well behaved. However, there was a lot of planning and coordination for the trip. Also, my family does not speak Turkish and Bülent’s mother is not fluent in English. While you might think this would be awkward (it was a little) it was also helpful. When strangers meet and engage in small talk it can always be awkward. But, there was a valid excuse for gaps in conversation which allowed everyone some respite.
The meeting of the parents went well, but I had developed a pretty severe stomachache that would not go away. Here is the gang, assembled for brunch. It was great that they got to meet each other, as living in separate continents it was not likely that they would bump into each other at the grocery store.