Friday, January 29, 2010

Home At Last

I just love visiting home!  Though when you have only a few short visits a year it tends to be less a vacation and more like a marathon.   I flew into to Boston, and then drove directly to my grandmothers house.  We had a nice visit before I crashed from from only having 2 hours of sleep in the previous 24.  The next morning I woke up bright and early (because my internal time clock is 7 hours faster then EST.)  My parents and I hopped in the car and drove down to NYC to visit my aunt and cousin.  It was whirlwind and a blast.  I also scored an awesome wedding gown in NYC for the coming nuptials.  Then off to New Hampshire. 

So breakdown of travels…

Saturday Turkey to Boston

Sunday Boston to NYC

Monday NYC to New Hampshire

I am still exhausted.  But having tons of fun.  This afternoon I will be driving to Boston to have a visit with my brother, who is awesome and super cool.  Saturday there is a big party at my grandmothers house because my mother is a genius and thought it would be easier to have a party for everyone who wants to to visit with me than for me to make individual visits to each and every person.  Then I will be back in NH trying to schedule visits with friends.  Also buying bulk of things like vanilla extract and Burt’s Bees lip balm to bring with me back to Turkey.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tired and Excited

This morning, at scary early hour I will be heading to the States on my semester break. I cannot wait! 

This week has been incredibly busy.  The end of the semester grading period just finished.  Along with the fun came lots of grading and paperwork.

On top of that my cousin and her husband came to visit Ankara.  They were in Germany and decided to pop over. It was a blast.  We had foodapalooza, hit up kebab houses, bakeries and cafes. We literally stuffed our faces, and it was great.  From Ankara they are touring Istanbul and sound like they are having a great time. 

I am really excited to be going home, though pretty tired, and it is not going to get better soon as I have about 20 hours of travel ahead of me. 

In less than a day, I will be seeing my family!  Wheee!  Updates on food and family will be coming are forthcoming.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

(Inter)National Delurking Week

Hello!!  It is international delurking week.  That means you lurkers (you know who you are) should drop me a line.  

There is a discrepancy between those who I know read my site (Hi Mom!) and the site counter. 

I would love to hear from you.  You can do one of three things.  The first: leave a comment and prove your existence

The second: say hello, introduce yourself and make new friends

The third: ignore my desperate plea. 


Please, for my vanity—do one of the first two options. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Family Times Ahead

I looked at the Calendar and all of a sudden we are way into January.  Crazy!  Where did the year go?  January means two things, the first is that my awesome cousin Elizabeth and her husband, Jake, are coming to visit.  It will be amazing and it will be Turkish Foodapaloza.  Jake is totally into food, so I will be using that as an excuse to eat my own weight in just about everything, of course while introducing him to the best and tastiest of Turkish foods.  I will try to record it. 

The second Family Event that January brings is a visit HOME! I will be going home for two AMAZING, WONDERFUL weeks.   I love being with my family, and cannot wait to go home. 

PS: Family I will be wanting Pork. Ham. Bacon. Bacon. Ham.  PORK!  Weird how you always want what you can’t have. 

Friday, January 1, 2010

Start the New Year Out Right

With mimosas.  We did. 

New Years was great, quiet and wonderful. In Turkey the New Year is a huge celebration, trees are decorated houses draped in garland and big family parties.  Bulent and I went on a date out to a lovely French restaurant.  The food was great and the ambience just gorgeous.  We rang in the New Year with friends and champagne.  The leftovers I then used to make mimosas for breakfast.  Nice way to start the day, or year. 

I think I will indulge in the obligatory decade post…As I was trying to write this I realize since I was five my life has been measured through the academic year.  It still is.

2000—I was a junior high school and got my drivers license.

2002— Graduated high school.

2003—Went to college.  Fell in love with “Swells,” made lifelong friends and cemented my feminist ideals.  My grandfather died.

2004—Joined a sexual assault awareness and counseling group.  Now a feminist with a passion for education and prevention of sexual and domestic violence.

2005— Met Bulent. Backpacked around Europe for a month. 

2006—Ran the sexual assault awareness and counseling group.  Raised over $20,000 with my friends to bring Alice Sebold, author of the Lovely Bones to campus.  My grandmother and grandfather died.  I moved to San Diego.

2007— Started working at a Charter school for at-risk students.

2008—Continued working at Charter schools in San Diego.

2009—Bulent and I became engaged.  We decided to move to Turkey. Spent six months travelling around Turkey, visited Ephesus, Istanbul, Amasra, Marmaris, and Izmir.  Started learning a new language. 

2010—I can’t wait to see what it brings…