For our honeymoon in Marmaris we had wanted to do something special. We decided on a “Blue Cruise,” a voyage around the nearby bays. There are many types of Blue Cruise, they range from inexpensive to exorbitant. The cheaper ones are usually day cruises with anywhere between 25-100 people on board. Some boats also do week long tours, like little floating B&Bs.
We decided we wanted privacy. We found a family run boat, the crew a husband and wife team and went out on a three day Blue Cruise. It was lovely. Quiet, no music, simple fare, lots of relaxing and reading and swimming. One of the benefits of just the two of us on board was that we could really decided the itinerary. If we were hot, we could anchor and swim, if we were tired just lay in the shade and nap. No fighting over sunbeds for us.
It was really lovely as we went to all these quiet secret bays with clear water.
Little bays and nooks with old ruins…farther up the cliffs was an ancient church.
We had boat side BBQs with *fresh* fish.
We really had an amazing and unforgettable journey, which was the whole point.
Now we are spending our days at the summer house in Marmaris. It is very warm, but we walk to the beach to swim in the late afternoon after it cools down a bit. The evenings we spend in the garden or walking around town looking for the best place to have a drink that night. There are many places with live music ranging from Rock to Jazz to Turku (Turkish Folk). We really are taking advantage of our “Honey Month.”