Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Better Day

Today was less stressful and the kids were fine.  Also I have tomorrow off. That makes the world a better place in general.  Today I also had a student write something very sweet and profound.  The kind of thing that reminds me why I became a teacher, and why I bother with nagging the brats about doing their homework. 

I managed to save the Craptastic Soup.  It was supposed to be Ezogelin Corba.  The proportions of the recipe were off, the bulgur in the soup soaked up too much of the liquid, and the flavor was flat.  I split it in half, spiced up and revived one half as soup and the other half as a bulgur pilaf.  So Yay!  I hate wasting food, but as we all know, when you try new recipes or experiment with them every once in a while you get a dud.  Thankfully I was able to save mine.   

Tomorrow I will be hitting up the pazar.  I usually go on Sundays, buy my produce and wash and prepare it for the upcoming week.  However, I do not cook much during the week because I get home late.  Then on the weekend, when I actually have time to cook, I run out out of fresh things to cook with before Sunday.*  Our neighborhood pazar is open on Thursdays and Mondays, now that my day off falls on Thursday instead of Wednesday, I can take advantage of this.  Another Yay!


* I could actually go to the grocery store and get what I want and I sometimes do.  However, I prefer to buy my produce and eggs at the pazar.  It is fresher and I feel I am helping support the local economy.


  1. I am a big farmer's market fan as well. The noisy fruit and vegetable hawkers recognize me when I come, totting my cart behind me. Especially the mushroom seller. The apple seller was a nice guy but he started getting on my nerves with his single (and LOUD) oft-repeated English sentence. Everytime he'd boom "HOWAR YOU!!Fine thanks and YOU!!" Everybody withing 20 feet of me would suddenly turn and glare. I'd feel like a fleeing spy caught in the spotlight.
    Still, I like the social atmosphere and the bustle. Well, at least an hour of it.. if it isn't past 2 in the afternoon, which appears to be the hour after which nobody can walk straight or decide anything quickly.
    Funny how just being polite (saying "thanks" and "please" and smiling!) gets you noticed. It has NOT, however, gotten me any discounts on my lemons, to date.

  2. I haven't run into any pazarcis that speak English at my pazar. I do get shouted at a lot though. Once I brought my husband and it was s peaceful and quiet. They shout less at women with children or accompanied by men. They shout "Abla" of course and "Mavish Efendi" (Miss Blueish) I find I stick out at the pazar because of my coloring. It is not that there are not Turkish people with light hair, or blue eyes or fair skin. It is just that they do not usually see ALL three together and thrown in with freckles. I try to blend in by speaking Turkish and with my clothes, but I can't see to manage it.

  3. Hello there! I read your blog periodically. I was wondering if you could tell me about teaching in Turkey. I've a degree in chemistry but interested in TEFL certification. I understand that you teach in Turkey. Was it:

    difficult to find work?
    difficult to get a contract where you don't have to leave the country every 3 months?

    When does the school year start and finish?

    Did you have an education background prior to finding work?

    Did you have any additional certifications: CELTA, DELTA etc?

    I think that is all I have for now... sorry for all the questions! If you like, you can email me:


