Saturday, May 9, 2009

Us 1 - Mercutio 3

First the good news. No one in this house has Tuberculosis, Yay! Not that we were worried about it, a]or getting tested for it. Or coughing up blood. So take that Mercutio! A plague on our houses! Weak!

But I will give him another point, just for being a pain in my ass. More accurately, my lower back. So yesterday to keep the guilt from eating me alive I helped clean the apartment. I was helping move the futon and I bent over and lifted (stupid!) and I felt something pop, or move. When I stood up it hurt so badly that I thought I was going to pass out, you know when your vision gets blurry and goes in and out? Whoooo!

It is still killing me. I can't bend over or use any of my lower back muscles. Ibuprofen didn't make a dent at all, neither did Bengay, heat or stretching. A couple of martinis did help me sleep. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


  1. Don't put heat on it! You need to ice it for about 20 minutes at a time, over several days. The area will be enflamed, so heating it will just make it worse. Try not to stretch too much until it calms down a little. You'll just have to give your body time to heal. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. floor sleeping helps for a strained back - pete just spent 3 weeks on the floor when he pulled his lower back and swears it helped. also a back brace to help keep it stable while you're up and about to give it time to heal.
